Our Work


In recent years, TYAE has repeatedly drawn attention to itself and Tibet with spectacular actions and campaigns. Campaigns such as "No Beijing 2022" or actions on the "Global Day of Action" made international headlines then and still do today.

No Beijing 2022

The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing are to take place in the midst of one of the world's worst repressions of freedom, democracy and human rights. We are taking action and calling for #NoBeijing2022.


Protest actions

We sensitise the public about current events in Tibet and the Chinese government's human rights violations with peaceful protest actions that attract media attention.

Tibet Advocacy Coalition

The organisation Tibetan Youth Association in Europe is part of the Tibet Advocacy Coalition. The TAC is a project founded in 2013 to develop coordinated strategies, monitoring tools and reports to raise the situation in Tibet at the United Nations Human Rights Council. The core members of the coalition are the TYAE, International Tibet Network, Tibet Justice Centre, Students for a Free Tibet and Tibet Initiative Germany. We provide information to the UN missions in Geneva to promote rigorous monitoring of the human rights situation in Tibet through the available UN mechanisms.

More information here: https://tibetadvocacy.org/

Talks & Trainings

As part of our education and information offerings, we regularly organise presentations and panel discussions with activists, politicians and human rights activists, which enable an exchange between the speakers and the Tibetan community, especially the youth. We also offer trainings and workshops for young Tibetans to develop their activism skills and support them to continue the struggle for a free Tibet.